Past Meetings
Palais des Congrés de Versailles
19:00 Greetings:
Mr. François de Mazières. Versailles, France Mayor of Versailles
Prof. Dominique Maraninchi, Boulogne-Billancourt, France President, Institut National du Cancer
Dr. Margaret Foti, Philadelphia, USA Chief Executive Officer – American Association for Cancer Research
Prof. Fabien Calvo, Boulogne-Billancourt, France Scientific Director – Institut National du Cancer
Opening Lectures:
19:30 Isaac P. Witz, Tel Aviv, Israel - Introductory Lecture The Tumor Microenvironment: The Making of a Paradigm
19:50 Jeffrey W. Pollard, New York, USA - Key-note Lecture Macrophages and Metastasis
20:30 Welcome Reception – Sponsored by the City of Versailles
PLENARY SESSION 1: Regulation of Gene Expression in Tumor and Non-Tumor Cells in the Microenvironment
Auditorium Richelieu
Session Dedicated to the Memory of Mary A. Pikovski
Chairperson: Margaret Foti, Philadelphia, PA, USA
08:45 Avraham Raz, Detroit, MI, USA Cleavage of Galectin-3 by Matrix Metalloproteinases Regulates Breast Cancer Progression and Metastasis
09:10 Valerie Marie Weaver, San Francisco, CA, USA Extracellular Matrix Remodeling Forces Tumor Progression
09:35 Yoel Kloog, Tel Aviv, Israel Intercellular Transfer of Ras and microRNAs: New Mechanisms of Non-Autonomous Protein Functions and Post-Transcriptional Control
10:00 Mary Hendrix, Chicago, IL, USA Reprogramming Metastatic Tumor Cells with an Embryonic Microenvironment: Convergence of Embryonic and Tumorigenic Signaling Pathways
10:35-11:00 Coffee – Sponsored by TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
PLENARY SESSION 2: Therapeutic Targeting of Tumor- Microenvironment Interactions: Pre Clinical and Clinical Studies
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Fabien Calvo, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
11:00 Jacques Pouysségur, Nice, France Hypoxia and Tumor progression: New Metabolic Anti-Cancer Targets
11:25 Amato Giaccia, Stanford, CA, USA Identifying New Anti-Cancer Therapeutics Using Synthetic Lethality
11:50 Laurence Zitvogel, Villejuif Cedex, France How Anticancer Therapies Switch on the Immune System?
12:15 Benjamin Sredni, Ramat Gan, Israel Interference with VLA4 and Microenvironmental Interactions by the Tellurium Compound AS101 Results in the Sensitization of AML Cells to Chemotherapy
12:40 Wolf H. Fridman, Paris, France The Immune Modulation by Anti-Angiogenic Therapy
13:05 Yona Keisari, Tel Aviv, Israel Treatment of Solid Malignant Tumors by Intra-Tumoral Diffusing Alpha-Emitting Sources: Role of Tumor Micro- and Macro- Environmental Traits
13:30-14:45 Business Meeting and Lunch – Auditorium Richelieu
PLENARY SESSION 3: Interactions of Tumor Cells with Microenvironmental Cells and Molecules
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Wolf H. Fridman, Paris, France
14:45 Yves A. DeClerck, Los Angeles, CA, USA Interleukin-6 and the Tumor Microenvironment
15:10 Seth Coffet (Replacing Claire Lewis) Sheffield, UK Regulation of Macrophage Function by the Tumor Microenvironment: Role of Hypoxia and Angiopoietin-2
15:35 Eli Keshet, Jerusalem, Israel Angiogenic Accessory Cells: VEGF-induced Recruitment and Reprogramming
16:00 Robert Kerbel, Toronto, ON, Canada Therapy-Induced Alteration of the Tumor Microenvironment: Impact of Bone Marrow Derived Cells
16:25 Margareta M. Mueller, Heidelberg, Germany Characterization of Factors Activating Gr-1+ Inflammatory Cells in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Towards a Tumor-supporting, Proangiogenic Phenotype
16:50-17:15 Coffee – Sponsored by “Cancer Microenvironment” the official journal of the International Cancer Microenvironment Society
PLENARY SESSION 4: Inflammation & Protective Immunity in the Tumor Microenvironment I
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Eiichi Tahara, Hiroshima, Japan
17:15 Catherine Sautès-Fridman, Paris, France Role of Inflammation and Immune Privilege Microenvironment in Tumor Development
17:40 Salem Chouaib, Villejuif, France Interaction of CTLs with Stroma Components: Endothelial Cell Cross-Recognition by Specific CTL and Influence of Hypoxic Stress
18:05 Ron N. Apte, Beer-Sheva, Israel The Role of IL-1R, TLR2 and TLR4 Signaling in the Malignant Process
20:00 Conference Dinner
SYMPOSIUM 1: Regulation of Gene Expression in the Tumor Microenvironment I
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Ruth Lupu, Rochester, MN, USA
08:30 Andrei Thomas-Tikhonenko, Philadelphia, PA, USA Attenuation of TGFβ Signaling by c-Myc-regulated microRNAs
08:50 Ruth Lupu, Rochester, MN, USA Knockout of Heregulin (HRG) Expression Reverts Paclitaxel-Resistance and Promotes Mesenchymal Epithelial Transition (MET) of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells
09:10 Stefano Indraccolo, Padova, Italy Decoding Tumor-Host Interactions in Dormancy: Notch3-mediated Regulation of MKP-1 Promotes Tumor Cell Survival
09:22 Tanya Kalin, Cincinnati, OH, USA Role of Foxm1 Transcription Factor in Tumor Microenvironment
09:34 Florence Brellier, Basel, Switzerland Tenascin-W is Overexpressed in Glioma-Associated Blood Vessels and Stimulates Angiogenesis in vitro
09:46 Hagit Turm, Jerusalem, Israel Protease activated receptor1, PAR1 Acts via a Novel Ga13-DVL Axis to Stabilize b-catenin Levels
09:58 Matthew Farren, Buffalo, NY, USA Tumor-Mediated Suppression of Myeloid to Dendritic Cell (DC) Differentiation via down Regulation of Protein Kinase C βII (PKCβII) Expression
10:10 Chandana Koorella, Buffalo, NY, USA Myeloma Cell Survival and Importance of Crosstalk between Notch1-Jagged2 and CD28-B7 Pathways in Dendritic Cells
10:22 Olatz Crende, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain Interleukin-18-Dependent Genes of Highly Metastatic Human Melanoma
10:34 Gwendal Lazennec, Montpellier, France Interleukin-8 Expression Is Regulated by Histone Deacetylases through NF-kB Pathway in Breast Cancer
10:46 Zendra Zehner, Richmond, VA, USA Differential Expression of MicroRNA-17-3p Reverts Morphology of Prostate Cells in lrECM Gels, Reduces Tumor Growth in vivo and Correlates with Prostate Tumor Expression by LCM Analysis
10:58-11:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 2: Interactions of Tumor Cells with Microenvironmental Cells & Molecules I
Room Lulli
Chairperson: Raffaella Giavazzi, Milan, Italy
08:30 Jacques Huot, Québec, QC, Canada Regulation of Colon Cancer Metastasis by Death Receptor-3 and E-selectin
08:50 Izhak Haviv, Prahran, Vic, Australia The Origin of Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts
09:10 Lu-Yuan Li, Tianjin, China VEGI, an Endogenous Antiangiogenic Cytokine, Inhibits Hematopoietic Stem Cell Differentiation into Endothelial Progenitor Cell
09:22 Beatriz Arteta, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain Colon Carcinoma Cell Interaction with Liver Sinusoidal Endothelium Inhibits Organ-Specific Anti-Tumor Immunity via Interleukin-1-Induced Mannose Receptor
09:34 David Allard, Cambridge, UK Reversal of the Transformed Phenotype and Normalisation of Oncogene-Regulated Genes through Contact with Normal Cells
09:46 Claudia Andl, Nashville, TN, USA Fibroblast-Dependent Epithelial Cell Invasion in a Reconstruct Model for Esophageal Cancer
09:58 Catherine Muller, Toulouse, France Cancer-Associated Adipocytes: New Key Players in Breast Tumour Invasion
10:10 Charlotte Anderberg, Stockholm, Sweden Paracrine Signaling by PDGF-CC Promotes Tumor Growth by Recruitment of Cancer-associated Fibroblasts Secreting Osteopontin
10:22 Didier Dréau, Charlotte, NC, USA Interplay between Stroma Chemokines and Endothelin-1 in Breast Cancer Cell Migration and Monocyte Recruitment
10:34 Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling, Nice, France Autocrine Fibronectin is Essential for Matrix Assembly, Integrin Usage and Adherens Junction Formation in Endothelial Cells
10:46 Pampee Young, Nashville, TN, USA Tumor-Derived, Low-Level TNFa Expression Augments the Formation of Tumor-Promoting Myeloid Subtype of Vascular Leukocytes Through the Upregulation of Integrin a5 and Enhanced Binding to Fibronectin
10:58-11:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 3: Inflammation & Protective Immunity in the Tumor Microenvironment I
Room Colbert
Chairperson: Jan Bubenik, Prague, Czech Republic
08:30 Sharon Evans, Buffalo, NY, USA Overcoming Obstacles to Cancer Immunity at the T Cell – Tumor Microvascular Checkpoint
08:50 Jan Bubenik, Prague, Czech Republic Depletion of Treg Cells Enhances Inhibition of Tumour Growth by Cyclophosphamide Derivatives and IL-12-producing Cellular Vaccines
09:10 Melody Swartz, Lausanne, Switzerland Lymph Node Mimicry by Tumors Induces Immunological Tolerance
09:30 Paola Larghi, Rozzano, Italy Role of P50 NF-kappaB in Dendritic Cell Functions
09:42 Marie-Laure Arcangeli, Marseille, France JAM-B and JAM-C: Ying and Yang of Metastasis and Anti-Tumor Immune Response
09:54 Nadira Delhem, Lille, France Epstein Barr Virus Infection in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Mechanism Facilitating Induced Regulatory T Cells Recruitment
10:06 Rinat Rotem-Yehudar, Yavne , Israel CT-011, a Humanized Monoclonal Antibody, Interacts with the PD-1 Receptor and Modulates Survival and Trafficking Signals in Effector/memory T Lymphocytes
10:18 Jean Edouard Gairin, Toulouse, France Tumor Cell Plasticity under Immune Micro-Environment Pressure
10:30 Guerric Epron, Rennes, France Macrophages, IL-15, and Follicular Lymphoma: Towards a Better Understanding of the Interface Between Tumor B Cells and their Microenvironment
10:42 Riad Abes, Paris, France Anti-Tumor Treatment of Tumor-Bearing Immunocompetent Mice with Anti-CD20 mAb Induces an Adaptive Immune Response that can be Strengthened by IL-2 Infusion
10:54-11:30 Coffee
Symposium 4: Molecular Pathways in the Tumor Microenvironment I
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Michael Micksche, Vienna, Austria
11:30 Mircea Ivan, Indianapolis, IN, USA Hypoxia-Regulated MicroRNAs, New Players in Tumorigenesis
11:50 Pierre Sonveaux, Brussels, Belgium Role of Lactate as a Fuel in a Unique Microenvironmentally Controlled Metabolic Symbiont
12:02 Emily Chen, Stony Brook, NY, USA Hypoxia Tolerance and Breast Cancer Metastasis
12:14 F. Javier Oliver, Armilla, Granada, Spain Antimetastasic Action of Parp Inhibition in Melanoma trough Counteracting Angiogenesis and emt Transition
12:26 Ludwig Dubois, Maastricht, The Netherlands Specific Sulfonamide Inhibitors of CA IX are able to Image Hypoxia Response and Enhance the in vivo Therapeutic Effect of Conventional Cancer Treatments
12:38 Marina Konopleva, Houston, TX, USA Targeting Hypoxic Microenvironment in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
12:50 Nathalie M. Mazure, Nice, France Mitochondrial VDAC3 Splice Variant is Induced in Hypoxia and Protects from Apoptosis
13:02 Sarah Crawford, New Haven, CT, USA Biomechanical Model of Stress-Dependent Formation of Tissue Organizing Structures (TOS) Associated with Solid Tumor Formation, Invasion and Metastasis
13:14 Constantinos Koumenis, Philadelphia, PA, USA The GCN2-ATF4 Pathway is a Key Determinant of Tumor Cell Survival and Proliferation in Response to Amino Acid and Glucose Deprivation
Afternoon free
SYMPOSIUM 5: The Role of the Tumor Microenvironment in Tumor Progression I
Room Lulli
Chairperson: Avraham Raz, Detroit, MI, USA
11:30 Dave Hoon, Santa Monica, CA, USA Epigenetic Regulation of SPARC in Tumor Microenvironment Stromal Cells is Associated with Vascular Status of Early Stage Colon Cancer
11:50 Ugo Cavallaro, Milan, Italy The New Identity of L1: from a Neural Adhesion Molecule to a Central Modulator of Tumor/Microenvironment Crosstalk?
12:10 David Barron, Houston, TX, USA Further Defining Reactive Stroma in Prostate Cancer
12:22 Virginie Dangles-Marie, Paris, France Newly Characterised ex vivo Colospheres as a Three-Dimensional Colon Cancer Cell Model of Tumour Aggressiveness
12:34 Steven Mittelman, Los Angeles, CA, USA Adipocytes Protect Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells from Chemotherapy
12:46 Dimitris Kletsas, Athens, Greece Human Lung Fibroblasts Prematurely Senescent after Exposure to Ionizing Radiation Enhance the Growth of Malignant Epithelial Cells in vitro and in vivo.
12:58 Ann-Charlotte Johansson, Linköping, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Protect Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells from Cetuximab-Induced Cytotoxicity
13:10 Magdalena Dutsch-Wicherek, Krakow, Poland RCAS1 Protein Involvement in Creation of Suppressive Tumor Microenvironment in Salivary Gland Adenocarcinoma
13:22 Sumanta Goswami, Bronx, NY, USA Tumor Microenvironment Induced Drug and Radio Resistance in Invasive Breast Cancer Cells
Afternoon free
SYMPOSIUM 6: Phenotypic & Functional Alterations in the Tumor Microenvironment
Room Colbert
Chairperson: Theresa L. Whiteside, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
11:30 Viktor Umansky, Heidelberg, Germany Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment in ret Transgenic Mouse Melanoma Model
11:50 Theresa L. Whiteside, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Mechanisms of Tumor-escape from the Immune System: Adenosineproducing Treg, Exosomes and Tumor-associated TLRs
12:10 Curzio Rüegg, Lausanne, Switzerland Radiation-Induced Modifications of the Tumor Microenvironment Promote Metastasis
12:30 Dan Mercola, Irvine, CA, USA The Microenvironment Adjacent to Prostate Cancer Exhibits Numerous Differential Expression Changes that are Useful for Diagnosis without Tumor Cells
12:50 Raj Tiwari, Valhalla, NY, USA Bone Marrow Endothelial Progenitor Cells are Systemic Sensors of Breast Cancer
13:02 Nancy Boudreau, San Francisco, CA, USA Stabilization of the Breast Tumor Microenvironment Using Hox Genes
13:14 Jing Yang, Houston, TX, USA Macrophages are an Important Component of Myeloma Microenvironment and Protect Myeloma Cells from Chemotherapy Drug-Induced Apoptosis
13:26 Harry L. Ioachim, New York, NY, USA Interactions of Microenvironment with Carcinomas Depend on Tumor Type, Grade and Stage
Afternoon free
SYMPOSIUM 7: Regulation of Gene Expression in the Tumor Microenvironment II
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Eva Klein, Stockholm, Sweden
08:30 Eva Klein, Stockholm, Sweden The Role of Microenvironment on the Regulation of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Gene Expression
08:50 Ben-Zion Katz, Tel-Aviv, Israel Adhesive Interactions Regulate Transcriptional Diversity in Malignant B-cells
09:10 Kerstin Junker, Jena, Germany Changes in Epigenetic Expression Patterns of Tumour Associated Fibroblasts (TAF)
09:22 Marie-Christine Rio, Illkirch, France Cancer Cell-adipocyte Cross-talk: Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase-11/stromelysin-3
09:34 Corinne Bousquet, Toulouse, France Forced Hemidesmosome Assembly as a Novel Mechanism for Somatostatin Receptor sst2 Tumor Suppressive Activity in Pancreatic Cancer
09:46 Vincent Frontera, Marseille, France Anti-JAM-C Tumor Growth Inhibition Occurs through Modulation of Thrombomodulin Expressing Stromal Cells
09:58 Véronique Machelon, Clamart, France Identification of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper as a Key Regulator of Tumor Cell Proliferation in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
10:10 Sarah Pringels, Ghent, Belgium Correlated Expression Analysis of VEGF Family Members and Lipid Inflammatory Mediators in Human Colon Polyps and Carcinomas and Liver Metastases
10:22 Gertraud Orend, Strasbourg, France Tenascin-C in the Tumor Microenvironment Triggers Oncogenic Signaling
10:34 Rami Aqeilan, Jerusalem, Israel WWOX Expression Suppresses Tumorigenecity by Inducing Apoptosis and Attenuating Migration of Metastatic Cells
10:46 Jozefa Wesierska-Gadek, Vienna, Austria Oncogenes do not Fully Override the Cellular Programme: Pronounced Impact of Cellular Microenvironment
10:58-11:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 8: Interactions of Tumor Cells with Microenvironmental Cells & Molecules II
Room Lulli
Chairperson: Angelo Messina, Catania, Italy
08:30 Karin Joehrer, Innsbruck, Austria The Role of Myeloma-Derived Chemokine CCL27 on Tumor Progression and Immune Escape
08:50 Medhat Shehata, Vienna, Austria Reconstitution of PTEN Activity and Inhibition of the PI3-K/ Akt Signaling Prevent the Pro-Survival Effect of Bone Marrow Microenvironment and Induce Apoptosis in CLL Cells
09:10 Abdelilah Aboussekhra, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Role of the Tumor Suppressor p16 Protein in Tumor-Stromal Interactions in Breast Cancer
09:22 Michael Elkin, Jerusalem, Israel Role of Heparanase in Colitis Associated Cancer
09:34 Karen Hunter, New York, NY, USA The Role of Heparanase in Promoting Multistage Pancreatic Islet Tumorigenesis
09:46 Margarida Bernardo, Detroit, MI, USA Maspin Restores Redifferentiation of Prostate Cancer Cells in Collagen I
09:58 Lingtao Wu, Los Angeles, CA, USA Osteoblastic Maturation-dependent Microenvironment Mediated by Retinoid Signaling Inhibits Proliferation and Induces Terminal Differentiation of Leukemia Cells
10:10 Laura Gibson, Morgantown, WV, USA VE-cadherin Regulates Philadelphia Chromosome Positive (Ph+) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Sensitivity to Apoptosis
10:22 Ayaka M. Silverman, Los Angeles, CA, USA Galectin-3 Binding Protein Produced by Neuroblastoma Cells Stimulates the Expression of Interleukin-6 in the Tumor Microenvironment
10:34 Hao-Wei Wang, New York, NY, USA Tumor-Derived IL-4 Upregulates Cathepsin Activity in Tumor- Associated Macrophages to Promote Cancer Development and Progression
10:58-11:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 9: Inflammation & Protective Immunity in the Tumor Microenvironment II
Room Colbert
Chairperson: Jan Żeromski, Poznan, Poland
08:30 Michal Baniyash, Jerusalem, Israel Chronic Inflammation-Induced Immunosuppression: Micro and Macro Environmental Factors and Implications for Cancer Therapy
08:50 Jan Żeromski, Poznan, Poland Functional Studies on Toll-Like Receptor Expression on Cell Lines of Laryngeal Carcinoma
09:10 Karin de Visser, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Functional Assessment of the Inflammatory Tumor Microenvironment during Spontaneous Breast Cancer Progression and Metastasis Formation
09:22 Moshe Elkabets, Beer-Sheva, Israel A Novel Tumor-Derived Inflammatory Myeloid Suppressor Cell Subset Inhibits Anti-Tumor Activity of T and NK Cells
09:34 Isabelle Cremer, Paris, France Triggering of TLR7 and 8 on Human Lung Cancer Induces Cell Survival and Chemoresistance
09:46 Guillaume Sarrabayrouse, Nantes, France Tumor-Specific CD4CD8ab T Cells Infiltrating Human Colorectal Tumors
09:58 Vladislava O. Melnikova, Houston, TX, USA The Signaling Pathway PAR1-PAFR-MUC18 Links Inflammation with Melanoma Metastasis
10:10 Samuel Lundin, Gothenburg, Sweden Extensive Upregulation of Proinflammatory Cytokines in the Gastric Mucosa of Stomach Cancer Patients
10:22 Pi-Ling Chang, Birmingham, AL, USA Host Osteopontin Maintains an Acute Inflammatory Response in the Tumor Microenvironment to Suppress Extrinsic Cancer Cell Progression
10:34 Esther N. Arwert, Cambridge, UK Tumour Formation Initiated by Nondividing Epidermal Cells via an Inflammatory Infiltrate
10:46 Aline M. Betancourt, New Orleans, LA, USA The Human Pro-inflammatory Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Supports Ovarian Tumor Progression by the Recruitment of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and other Immunosuppressive Cells
10:58-11:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 10: The Role of the Tumor Microenvironment in Tumor Progression II
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Ruth J. Muschel, Oxford, UK
11:30 Dario Marchetti, Houston, TX, USA Heparanase: A Critical Determinant of Breast Cancer Metastasis to Brain
11:50 Adriana Haimovitz-Friedman, New York, NY, USA A Ceramide Rheostat Balances Angiogenesis and Anti-angiogenesis
12:10 Yoav Leiser, Haifa, Israel Heparanase Role in Oral Cancer Prognosis and Cellular Differentiation
12:22 Mariagrazia Uguccioni, Bellinzona, Switzerland Perivascular Expression of CXCL9 and CXCL12 in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: Chemokine Synergism Controls Cell Infiltration and Positioning
12:34 Sivan Izraely, Tel-Aviv, Israel A Molecular Signature of Melanoma Brain Metastasis: Development and Characterization of a Novel Human Melanoma Mouse Model
12:46 Suzanne McFarlane, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Relevance of CD44 to the Poor Prognosis of Basal Breast Cancers
12:58 Lukas Hawinkels, Leiden, The Netherlands MMP-14 (MT1-MMP) Mediated Endoglin Shedding Regulates Tumour Angiogenesis
13:10 Shelly Maman, Tel-Aviv, Israel Neuroblastoma Macro- and Micro-Metastasis: Interactions with the Microenvironment
13:22 Yong Li, Sydney, NSW, Australia Co-expression of Invasive Markers (uPA, CD44) and Multiple Drug Resistance Proteins (MDR1, MRP2) is Correlated with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Progression
13:34-14:30 Lunch
SYMPOSIUM 11: Therapeutic Targeting of the Tumor Microenvironment – Pre-clinical and Clinical Studies I
Room Lulli
Chairperson: Daniel Zagury, Paris, France
11:30 Daniel Zagury, Paris, France Kinoid Vaccine, a New Immunotherapeutic Generation to Target Tumor Released Ectopic Cytokines
11:50 Albrecht Reichle, Regensburg, Germany Comparative Uncovering of Tumors’ Systems Biology by Modular Targeting of Tumor-Associated Inflammation
12:10 Raymond Frade, Evry, France Tumor Micoenvironment Is Controled by Procathepsin L Secretion: A New Gene Therapy to Inhibit Progression of Tumors Induced by Human Melanoma Cells
12:22 Michael Andreeff, Houston, TX, USA Disruption of Leukemia/Stroma Cell Interactions by CXCR4 Antagonists Enhances Chemotherapy and Signal Transduction- Induced Apoptosis in Leukemias
12:34 Shijie Cai, Oxford, UK Role of Tetrahydrobiopterin in Regulation of Tumor Angiogenesis Mediated by PI3K/Akt, eNOS and Ras Pathway
12:46 Katherine Cook, Winston-Salem, NC, USA Angiotensin-(1-7) Inhibits Breast Tumor Growth in an Orthotopic Murine Model by Reducing Angiogenesis and Fibrosis
12:58 Patricia E. Gallagher, Winston-Salem, NC, USA Angiotensin-(1-7) Inhibits VEGF and PlGF to Reduce Tumor Angiogenesis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer in an Orthotopic Mouse Model
13:10 Charlotta Dabrosin, Linköping, Sweden Tamoxifen and the Lignan Enterolactone Increase in vivo Levels of IL-1Ra and Decrease Tumor Angiogenesis in Estrogen Dependent Breast Cancer Explants
13:22-14:30 Lunch
SYMPOSIUM 12: Proteomics, Imaging & Biomarkers of the Tumor Microenvironment
Room Colbert
Chairperson: Yona Keisari, Tel Aviv, Israel
11:30 Francesca Botta, Lausanne, Switzerland Non Invasive Molecular Monitoring of Tumor Angiogenesis
11:42 John D. Lewis, London, ON, Canada Intravital Imaging of Human Prostate Cancer Using Bombesin-Targeted Viral Nanoparticles
11:54 Christopher Gerner, Vienna, Austria Novel Multiple Myeloma Biomarker Candidates Identified in the Secretome of Bone Marrow Fibroblasts and Endothelial Cells
12:06 Thomas Mohr, Vienna, Austria How do Endothelial Cells Shape the Tissue Microenvironment? A Proteomic Approach.
12:18 Astrid Enkelmann, Jena, Germany Changes in Proteomic Expression Patterns of Tumour Associated Fibroblasts (TAF) by Interaction with Urinary Bladder Carcinoma Cells
12:30 Arie Admon, Haifa, Israel The Serum Soluble HLA Class I Peptidome as a Source for Cancer Biomarkers and a Possible Modulator of the Tumor Microenvironment
SYMPOSIUM 13: Molecular Pathways in the Tumor Microenvironment II
Room Colbert
Chairperson: Ben-Zion Katz, Tel-Aviv, Israel
12:42 Nitza Lahat, Haifa, Israel Hypoxia and PMA-Induced Maturation Inhibit TIMP-2 Secretion from Human Monocytes and Enhance Angiogenesis
12:54 Kasper Rouschop, Maastricht, The Netherlands The Unfolded Protein Response Protects Cells during Hypoxia through Preservation of Autophagic Capacity
13:06 Nic Savaskan, Berlin, Germany Molecular and Cellular Characterization of the Brain Tumor Microenvironment with Focus on Peritumoral Brain Swelling
13:18 David Waugh, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Importance of Differential Stress-Induced CXC-chemokine Expression and Signaling in Regulating Cancer and Stromal Cell Function in PTEN-deficient Prostate Tumours
13:30-14:30 Lunch
PLENARY SESSION 5: Inflammation & Protective Immunity in the Tumor Microenvironment II
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Menashe Bar-Eli, Houston, TX, USA
14:30 Alberto Mantovani, Milan, Italy Cancer-Related Inflammation: The Seventh Hallmark of Cancer
14:55 Frances R. Balkwill, London, UK Targeting Cancer-Related Inflammation
15:20 Lisa M. Coussens, San Francisco, CA, USA Inflammation and Cancer: Insights into Organ-specific Immune Regulation of Cancer Development
15:45 Jerome Galon, Paris, France Intratumoral Immune Reaction: A Novel Paradigm for Cancer
16:10 Adit Ben-Baruch, Tel Aviv, Israel Inflammatory Chemokines in Malignancy: Regulation by Microenvironmental and Intrinsic Factors
16:35-17:00 Coffee
PLENARY SESSION 6: The Role of the Microenvironment in Tumor Progression
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Suresh Mohla, Bethesda, MD, USA
17:00 Kornelia Polyak, Boston, MA, USA Regulation of In Situ to Invasive Breast Carcinoma Transition
17:25 Adriana Albini, Milano, Italy EACR sponsored speaker Role of the Tumour Microenvironment in Angiogenesis and in Prediction of Breast Cancer Metastasis
17:50 Yosef Yarden, Rehovot, Israel Molecular Basis of Growth Factor-Induced Mammary Cell Migration: Implications to HER2-positive Breast Cancer
18:15 David Lyden, New York, NY, USA The Metastatic Niche: Adapting the Foreign Soil
SYMPOSIUM 14: Interactions of Tumor Cells with Microenvironmental Cells III
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Fernando Vidal-Vanaclocha, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain
08:30 Maty Tzukerman, Haifa, Israel Microenvironment-Dependent Support of Self Renewing Ovarian Cancer Stem Cells
08:50 Fernando Vidal-Vanaclocha, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain Hepatomimetic Properties of Colon Cancer Cells: Microenvironmental Regulation and Clinical Implications
09:10 Marcelo Ehrlich, Tel Aviv, Israel Disabled-2 a Potential Integrator of TGF-β Signaling and Trafficking in Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Dedifferentiated Tumor Cell Lines
09:30 Andrei Bakin, Buffalo, NY, USA Integrins in EMT and Tumor Microenvironment
09:50 Ruth J. Muschel, Oxford, UK Vascular Co-option in Brain Metastasis
10:10-10:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 14 (cont'd)
10:30 Lubor Borsig, Zürich, Switzerland Cell-cell Interactions Defines the Metastatic Microenvironment of Tumor Cells
10:42 Roy-Akira Saito, Stockholm, Sweden FoxF1 regulates tumor-promoting properties of cancer-associated fibroblasts in lung cancer
10:54 Li Yang, Bethesda, MD, USA Effect and Regulation of Gr-1+CD11b+ Immature Myeloid Cells in Tumor Microenvironment and Beyond
11:06 Jillian L. Werbeck, Columbus, OH, USA Ets2 in Lung Fibroblasts Promotes the Growth of Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells
11:18 Qing Yi, Houston, TX, USA C-reactive Protein Protects Myeloma Cells from Apoptosis via Activating ITAM-containing FcgRII
11:30 Ezio Laconi, Cagliari, Italy The Microenvironment of Hepatic Nodules is Necessary for Tumor Progression
SYMPOSIUM 15: The Role of Microenvironmental Molecules in Tumor Progression
Room Lulli
Symposium sponsored by Roche, France
Chairperson: Dave Hoon, Santa Monica, CA, USA
08:30 Elena Voronov, Beer Sheva, Israel The Differential Role of Microenvironmental IL-1α And IL-1β In Tumor Angiogenesis
08:50 Paola Mazzarelli, Rome, Italy EGFR Signaling Mediates Metabolism-Dependent Epigenetic Control in a Model of Human Breast Cancer. CPT1A is a Novel Partner of Histone Deacetylase 1 in Cell Death Escaping Mechanisms
09:02 Masataka Majima, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan Recruitment of Mast Cells to the Tumor Microenvironment via a High Affinity Leukotriene B4 Recepter Signaling Enhances Tumor- Associated Angiogenesis and Tumor Growth
09:14 Antonia Patsialou, Bronx, NY, USA Invasion of Human Breast Cancer Cells In Vivo Requires both Paracrine and Autocrine Loops Involving the Colony Stimulating Factor-1 Receptor
09:26 Abdel-Majid Khatib, Paris, France Regulation of Tumorigenesis, Angiogenesis and Metastasis by the Proprotein Convertases (PCs)
09:38 Camille Laurent, Toulouse, France Characterization of the Immunological Microenvironment in Follicular Lymphoma
10:02-10:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 15 (Cont'd)
10:30 Steven Mason, New York, NY, USA The Proteolytic Cascade in Metastasis
10:42 Laura Fung, London, ON, Canada EGFL7 Protein Expression Effects Tumor Progression by Influencing the Rate of Angiogenesis
10:54 Laurie McCauley, Ann Arbor, MI, USA A Novel Role for Megakaryocytes in the Bone Marrow Microenvironment of Prostate Cancer Metastasis
11:06 Miranda Ween, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Transforming Growth Factor Induced Protein TGFβI Promotes Ovarian Cancer Cell Motility and Adhesion to Peritoneal Cells
11:18 Grégoire Mignot, Dijon, France Membrane Hsp72 from Tumor-Derived Exosomes Mediates p-Stat3 Dependent Function of Myeloid Suppressor Cells through the TLR2- MyD88 Pathway
11:30 Cornelia Trimble, Baltimore, MD, USA Immune Cell Homing in Preinvasive HPV Disease
SYMPOSIUM 16: Therapeutic Targeting of Tumor- Microenvironment Interactions – Pre-clinical and Clinical Studies II
Room Colbert
Chairperson: W. Gillies McKenna, Oxford, UK
08:30 W. Gillies McKenna, Oxford, UK Tumor Conditioning: Modulation of the Tumour Microenvironment by Signalling Inhibition as a Strategy for Improving Cancer Therapy
08:50 Yoshiaki Kubota, Tokyo, Japan M-CSF Inhibition Selectively Targets Pathological Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis
09:12 Sheng-Bin Peng, Indianapolis, IN, USA Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a Potent and Selective CXCR4 Peptide Antagonist Currently in Phase 1 Trials for Cancer
09:24 Tanaya Shree, New York, NY, USA Inhibition of Cathepsin Proteases Synergizes with Maximum-Dose and Low-Dose Chemotherapy to Block Malignant Progression in a Mouse Model of Metastatic Breast Cancer
09:36 Carlton Donald, Atlanta, GA, USA The Effect of the PAX2 Oncogene on the Tumor Microinvironment, Tumor Progression and its Potential as a Therapeutic Target for Prostate Cancer
09:48 Jian Wang, Bergen, Norway Targeting the Tumor Stroma - a Novel Therapeutic Strategy Based on Separate Analysis of the Malignant and Stromal Cell Compartments in Brain Tumors
10:00-10:30 Coffee
SYMPOSIUM 16 (Cont'd)
10:30 Stephanie McKeown, Coleraine, UK Does Hypoxia Play a Role in the Failure of Androgen Ablation Therapy for Prostate Cancer?
10:42 Mark Pines, Bet Dagan, Israel Inhibition of Fibroblast-to-myofibroblast Transition as a Modality for Cancer Treatment: Effect of Halofuginone
10:54 Michael P. Lisanti, Philadelphia, PA, USA Stromal Caveolin-1 Predicts Recurrence and Clinical Outcome in DCIS and Human Breast Cancers
11:06 Silke Haubeiss, Stuttgart, Germany Targeting Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs) with Small Molecule Inhibitors to Enhance Sensitivity of Tumors to Conventional Chemotherapy
11:18 Lucy Allen, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK Monitoring Tumour Response to the Anti-angiogenic Therapy Sunitinib with an F18-labeled Angiogenesis Imaging Agent
Auditorium Richelieu
Chairperson: Isaac P. Witz, Tel Aviv, Israel
12:00 Poster Session – presentation of best posters and awarding of prizes
13:00 Jan-Willem van de Loo, Brussels, Belgium European Commission Funding for Translational Research on the Tumour Microenvironment through EU Programmes
13:15 Concluding remarks
13:30 Adjourn